Hey,guys long time since i last wrotefor that i am sorry but i had some personal reasons for that but from now on its time for being regular.As we all know the double-decker bus transportation system in London is one of the most iconic features in the whole world.But as the world is advancing with the help of technology these buses are getting out-dated.So,the british government came up with idea that have changed the faith of the technology by which these buses are running and have once again poured water into the roots of a dead plant.Getting around London may not be the same again once a series of hi-tech upgradation are implemented in these type of transportation system.And not only in London but these technologies cxan be soon be applied to your city as well.

So what are probably be the changes that Transport fot London(TfL) is bringing?

What is these wirelessly chargable process?
The application of this technology is very simple.Actually what is happening is a very basic priciple of electricity.As said by Mike Weston,Director of Buses (TfL) that the red double decker buses runs for 19 to 20 hours a day so its is not possible at any way to put batteries on the buses so that it can produce more energy which can run the buses for such long hours without stopping.Even if they are putting batteries then for sure there wont be space left behing for the passengers to sit.So,the basic idea is that when the buses are generally coming to terminus or stoppage it will stand on a induction pad which transfer power to the buses at rate 10kW per every five minutes the bus stands at the terminus or a stoppage.The technology runs on as basic as the principle used in electric toothbrush which also produce charging without any electrical contact.The bus will have to be fairly parked over the induction pad constructed over the road.After the bus Parked itself it would have to lower down so that automatically the installed induction coil on the bus will attached to induction pad.
Mr.Weston also told we will have diesel fuel tank on the bus in case its running late or get jammed in a traffic as a backup but most probably it will run on electric motor 80% of the time.He also mentioned by using these transportation method we can decrease the air pollution and can bring down the air quality control and CO2 level in the atmosphere.Its true that this process will surely decrease the air pollution and will revolutionise the way of bus transportation and i think not only london but many other countries especially India should take interest at this concept "Electrification of buses" and make diffrence to both transportation and environment.
Anuttam Chatterjee