Thursday 17 July 2014

Electromagnetic Principle is used to run World's Fastest trains!

Airways are no doubt the fastest way of transportation in this century and the safest too.
Compare to Airways-buses,trains,cars and motorbikes are too slow and comparatively dangerous too.But one way of transporting is developing too fast nowadays and that what we called Bullet trains in Japan and TVG in Germany.This train can also be named as Maglev train as it generally runs on the property of electromagnetic levitation and so the name "Maglev".Maglev trains have enough potential to revolutionized the transportation of 21st century like what Aeroplanes did it in the 20th century.So,in this article i will say how this Bullet or Maglev trains generally runs.

Maglev trains if very simply put into words can be said runs with the help of powerful electromagnets.This type of trains generally uses the property of electromagnetic suspensions which means that this train will float over the guideway using the general principle of magnets to replace the old steel wheel and track trains.The basic difference between a Maglev train and a Normal train is that Maglev trains do not have any engine at-least the type of engine used by Normal track trains to pull the typical train cars along the tracks.The engine that is generally used in Maglev train is inconspicuous as instead of using fossil fuels it is run on the basis of magnetic field created by the electric field by the guide walls and the track combine to propel the train.

The magnetized coils running along the wall are generally termed as Guideway which repels the large magnets on the trains undercarriage thus allowing it to levitate it between 0.39 to 3.93 inches above the guide wall so that once the train is levitated power is supplied to the guideways which creates a unique system of magnetic fields which pull and push the train along the whole long guidewalls.The electric current supplied to the guide walls continuously changes its polarity in magnetized coils due to which the magnetic field in front of the train is helping the train to pull the train forward while the magnetic field placed at the back of the train is helping the add more thrust to the front of the train.

The Maglev trains generally float over a cushion of air thus eliminating any kind of friction.Since there is no friction these trains a can reach an unprecedented ground transportation speed of 310-320 mph. An Boeing-777 runs at a speed of 562 mph so you can imagine why we are comparing Maglev Trains with Aeroplanes.At this speed it is seemed that you can travel from Paris to Rome within a time span of just two hours.

Differences between German and Japan Maglev trains:
Although both of the countries are using the same principle but the principle in running the trains have some distinct differences.In Germany they are using these Electromagnetic suspension Theory(EMS) while in Japan they are using the Electrodynamics suspension principle (EDS).The basic difference is that Japan engineers are using super-cooled superconducting electromagnets which can run even if the power supply is switched off.While in the other case the German engineers have developed a system called trans-rapid system which will run only if the power supply is switched on-otherwise not.If compared japan is using a better technology by chilling the coils at frigid temperature to make it cryogenic system.
Although the expenses of building an Maglev train is too much but once build it is very cheaper and energy saving.India has currently planned to implement the Japanese technology to implement Maglev train in Indian railways though nothing can be said off as now.But if its build then it would be great technological advancement for the both the country and the world.

                                                                                                                                 Anuttam Chatterjee

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