Monday 30 June 2014

Neuro-Bridge Technology helps a paralyzed limb to move!

For the first time ever a paralyzed man can move his limbs and fingers with his own thoughts by the help of a new device.The technology is known is Neuro bridge which is a electrically operated neural bypass for spinal cord injuries that reconnects the brain direct to the muscles thus helping the quadriplegic person to move his paralyzed limbs voluntarily.The idea was joint generated by the Ohio state University Wexner medical center and Battelle.

The technology is using advanced algorithm that learn and reads the signal from the brain and high definition muscle stimulation sleeve translate the neural impulses from the brain and transmit new signals that help to control the paralyzed limb.What is actually happening is that the new brain signals is bypassing the spinal cord injuries and transmitting new signals to move the paralyzed limbs.So the name is given as Neuro-Bridge.

The technology was in the making from a very long time as it took the researcher from The Ohio State University a decade to develop the Algorithm,software and the stimulation sleeves.The scientist first recorded the neural impulses through the electrode implanted in the paralyzed patient's brain.They then use the data to illustrate the device's effect on the person's brain and proved the concept.Some clinical trials were taken so that there can be enough feasibility and assurance that the Neuro-bridge technology can be applied on the patients.And the records were quite satisfying.

Ian Burkhart was the first person to take the trial and the operation was successful.First a small chip of size of an pea was implanted on Ian's brain.The chip interprets the brain signals and send them to the computer where it is re coded and then transferred to the high definition stimulation sleeve  that execute the proper muscles to execute the movement of his desired muscles.Within tenth of seconds Burkhart thoughts are being executed.

Along with this technology the scientist have also developed another theory that is neurostimulation technology where it is in the form of  a wearable sleeve that activates the movements of a single finger or allows precision to move small muscle movements in the arm.The scientists are also developing a software that helps to form a virtual spinal cord for the co-ordination of dynamic hand and wrist movement.

It was not at all easy for the scientist as the experiment was performed for a very long time as the scientist had to monetize the correct sequence of electrode which could stimulate Burkhart to move his hand in his desired direction.The patient also had to work for long time as wearing the stimulation sleeve he had to made his atrophied muscle strong so that they could be strong enough to response to the electric signals transmitted by the brain.The researchers are currently working on human machine interface and interactions and how they can be utilize in the future of biological fields.

I also think this is a great technology as well as a great news for all those who are suffering from Brain and spinal cord deformities and i hope this technology continues to increase and help to develop new kind of science.

                                                                                                                       Anuttam Chatterjee

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