Monday 9 March 2015

"Giggs Should leave United for his own future, says Scholes"

One of the greatest mid-fielder and former Manchester United player Paul Scholes believes his ex-teammate Ryan Giggs will not wait long enough to be in-charge of his own first team players. Scholes, who have played many years alongside Giggs have a feeling that Giggsy certainly will not wait for another season or two to see his future possibilities at Old Trafford.
Scholes indicated in his last interview with Mirror that “There’s no doubt, he had that little taste of it for the last three weeks of last year and he definitely wants to be a manager. You can see that. Over the next two or three years, will he have the patience to be a number two for that long? I’m not sure he will. Scholes also believes that Giggs has the full capability to manage his own first eleven, but feels that waiting until current Manager Louis Van Gaal step aside will be a big gaffer for Giggsy.
It is not only Scholes who is expecting to see Giggs in a top position, but another ex-teammate also feels the same way; it’s none other than former Newcastle United and Manchester United striker Michael Owen who has similar kind of opinion about the 40 year old Giggs.
With the possible chances, Giggs himself has indicated that he will not hesitate to take another opportunity to seat in the driver’s seat if the opportunity comes in the right way and in the right time. But Giggs didn't sound as confident as his companions Scholes and Owen were about him, as Giggs commented on the situation that  “So whenever that time comes, I don’t know when it will be, but all I can do is prepare myself. I’m serving my apprenticeship again. That’s the way I see it.”
But the main factor that everyone believes will drive away Giggs from Manchester United sooner than he’d like is the unstable relationship with the current Manager Louis Van Gaal. It’s quite visibly noticeable that whenever the bench of Manchester United dugout is celebrating a goal, Giggs isn't a part of Van Gaal’s joy.
Though both of them have told the press that they share a good relationship, but all that seems far-far away from United’s management team. In the long run though, everyone expects Giggs to be biding his time in a right and fruitful way. 

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