Monday 31 August 2015

'Molecules that absorbs starlight in space has been found'

Whale galaxy
“Which molecule is responsible for the absorption of starlight in space”? A question which has been dwelling in minds of many astrophysicists for about a century now has finally been given an answer. In this article, I am going to discuss about this flabbergast molecule which the scientists have been failed to discover until the mid-80s and it was not till 2015, that the theory was finally prove.

So, before even starting this discussion, let me brief you on the definition of starlight, which as the name suggests is the lights being emitted from the stars. It is an electromagnetic radiation which is quite observable from the surface of the earth during night-time. Some component of starlight can even be seen during daytime but that’s highly rare as because the color of a starlight is yellowish-white (similar to that of the sun rays) due to which the color merges with the rays of sun making it invisible for human eyes to differentiate.

Scientist at the University of Basel have been able to identify for the first time in a century a molecule that is indeed responsible for the absorption of starlight in the space, the positively charged cage-fused structure buckminsterfullerene, or so-called ‘football molecule’ (its structure is similar to that of a soccer ball). Buckminsterfullerene is a structure of 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons consisting of 60 carbon atoms, each placed at the vertex of each polygon.

From centuries ago, Astronomers have discovered that the spectrum of star lights arrived on earth with dark gaps, known as interstellar bands but they have not been successful until now to find out which matter in space is absorbing this starlight and causing the “diffused interstellar bands (DIB)”. There are over 400 known starlight in the outer-space today, each having different kind of mystic gaseous shape.

Astronomers have been suspecting that a big complex molecules and gaseous ions based on carbon could be absorbing the starlight. And no molecule other than Buckminsterfullerene matched their criteria which is so far the largest molecule in chemistry to show the property of a wave-particle duality.

Once the Buckminsterfullerene molecule was discovered in the mid-80’s, questions started arousing regarding buckminsterfullerene’s impact on the Dark Interstellar bands (DIB). Researchers started all kind of experiment in order to prove this theoretical aspect into practical reality and finally giving answers to these complicated questions. The experiments didn’t disappointed much as the spectrum measured in the lab did show absorption features at two wavelength that were near two DIB that had been discovered by the astronomers the following year.

Experimental Procedure of the research.

In order to unambiguously prove that these molecules (buckminsterfullerene) absorb starlight and thus produce the DIB, a gas phase spectrum of the ion was needed. To obtain the spectrum in the laboratory using a diode laser, several thousand Fullerenes were confined in a radio-frequency trap and cooled down by collision with high density helium to a very low temperature of around 6 degree Kelvin (conditions were very similar to that of outer space).

Triangulum Galaxy

After the results came out of this experimental research, the resultant absorption measured in the laboratory was coinciding with most of the astronomical data, and have a comparable bandwidths as well as relative intensities. This identifies for the first time two DIB and proves that ionized buckminsterfullerene in the gas-phase in space.

The experiment has helped solving one of the most critical problems in the field of astronomy and has further enhanced the advancing theory of cosmology. The whole research work was carried out at the Department of Chemistry, University of Basel.

Saturday 4 July 2015

New Astro-Model could give 24 hours' notice of a major space event

Have you ever heard of solar storms? Well, if you haven’t then i will give you a little glimpse about it in this article and you will also come to know about how it can affect the earth’s environment. Solar storms are nothing but a variety of eruption of mass and energy from the solar surface. In simple terms, it is the atmospheric effects felt on the earth’s surface due to events occurring on the sun. More scientifically speaking these occurrences on the solar surface has a direct and adverse effect on the earth’s magnetic field that can bring the power grids, navigation and communication system to a standstill.

These solar strikes generally come in surprise and can create a huge mess even resulting in a worldwide ‘black-out’. If somehow the prediction time of these solar attacks and the time-span for which the strike will remain is known, then it will be easier for the scientists to get some time in analyzing the storm and prepare for precautionary action against it.

NASA has came up with a new model that aims to enhance the prediction time for these powerful solar eruption known as coronal mass ejections (CMEs), to as much as 24 hours from 1 hour notice that the current technology allows. CMEs fire off colossal clouds of charged particles, whose speeds can range from a relatively lower to that of a mind-blogging speed of 3000mph. If the CMEs magnetic fields are allied south to north of the earth’s magnetic field, the storm will not have any effect on the earth’s atmosphere and it will undamagingly pass by, but if they are arranged in the opposite direction, these storms can generate a major space weather event.

NASA’s powerful solar dynamics observatory, whose sole purpose is to continuously keep an eye on sun’s activities and report in case of any sign of flares on sun’s surface have came up with a new forecasting tool which can predict CMEs magnetic field alignment far in advance. The observatory has also been able to analyze the data about the shifting of the CME clouds movement in the aftermath of the eruption. NASA has merged these data sets to predict how these CME cloud evolves and how the magnetic field will be oriented. This invention has indeed taken one step further in depicting the safety of earth’s magnetosphere from these solar astro-storms in future.

If we take a look at the project’s practical application, the scientists from NASA’s Goddard space flight center have tested the new model from record of eight CME (coronal mass ejection) clouds, including the famous false alarm on Jan 9, 2014, in which the earth was saved from the adversity of an enormous solar eruption effect. Future testing are going on which will help the team refine the model further to make these technology more accurate and efficient.


Tuesday 16 June 2015

IBM's superconducting chip can construct ' The future of Quantum Computing'

IBM, one of the world’s leading industries in term of quantum computing, has constructed a new chip, which can be very useful in deciding the future of quantum computing. It is a superconducting chip that can revolutionize the ‘world of Quantum computers’ and can even challenge some theories of quantum physics. The chip is the first in its generation as it can integrate the basic devices needed to build a quantum computer, called qubits, into a two dimensional grid.

Circuitry surface of IBM’s chips are made up of metals, which under extremely low temperature shows super-conducting properties. The chip operates at only a fraction of a degree above absolute zero. Scientists believe that the best way to construct a realistic quantum computer would involve creating grids of hundreds or thousands of qubits working together.

With previous experimental results, researchers have been able to operate qubits only when they were arranged in a line. However, IBM contains the simplest grid possible, four bits arranged in a two by two array.Unlike Binary digits there is a state in which the qubits can effectively work as both 0 and 1 in which is known as superposition state. In this state, the qubits can cut through multifaceted calculation in ways impossible for conventional hardware. Most of the MNC’s and the US Government are working on this technology.

There are different ways to make qubits, but the most conventional ways are those used by IBM and Google. Quantum bits suffer from a ‘quantum effect’ fact which the bits use to represent their data. These datas are very prone to interference.  There are two types of errors occurring in a qubit system, first one being the ‘Bit-flip error’, where a bit representing a 0 changes to a 1 or vice-versa. And the second one is known as ‘phase-flip error’, where a superposition state becomes distorted.

IBM’s new designed chip is constructed in a way (4 qubits arranged in a square) such that it can detect both the ‘bit-flip’ and ‘phase-flip’ errors. One pair of bits is used for checking the errors by the other pair of bits. One bit looks for the ‘bit-flip’ error while the other looks for the ‘phase-flip’ error. This arrangement of the grid can also overcome the interference problem caused by putting the four qubits close together. Further researches are going on, in which the scientists are planning to build a grid of eight qubits arranged in a two by four rectangle.

I hope this experiment succeeds as quantum computers could efficiently take shortcuts through much computation that are difficult for today’s computer. Moreover, quantum computers have mind-blogging applications, but it is stalled by the frailty of quantum computers.


Sunday 17 May 2015

NASA's new airplane lands like a Helicopter and fly like an Aircraft!

Have you ever wondered of a battery powered plane that can land and take-off like a helicopter and fly like an aircraft? NASA has successfully come up with a similar kind of aircraft, which can efficiently act like an aircraft aforementioned. This GL-10 proto-type or nicknamed as ‘Greased Lightening’ have been successfully flight tested by NASA and have transitioned from Hover to wing-borne flight during the period of several flight tests.

The body of the aircraft is made with a very precise build-up structure having a 3.05 meters wingspan, eight electric motors on the wings, and two electric motors on the tail end and weighs maximum of 28.1 kilogrammes at the time of take-off. A total of 12 prototypes were made, starting with a simple foam models weighing about 2.3 kilogrammes and the remaining models were highly modified fiberglass hobby airplane weighing about 24.9 kilogrammes. Then, the two models are summed up to finally build up a high quality, carbon fiber GL-10 model weighing a total of 24.9 kilogrammes.

GL-10 prototype is currently in the scheming and testing phase. Though the preliminary thought was to develop a 6.1 meters wingspan aircraft powered by hybrid diesel engines or electric engines, but instead the team started with the minor versions for testing, build by rapid prototyping. These prototype can be a great success and NASA is continuing their work on the advancing these concept which can be four times more aerodynamically efficient in cruise than a helicopter.

The aircraft’s pilot has revealed that flying this ten engine prototype has its ups and downs, but it really flies like a three engine plane from a control prospective. There are many advantages of these aircraft, starting from adaptable take-off and landing ability to its ‘lack of noise’ technology. NASA told that the engine is pretty quiet; even quieter than a neighbor mowing the lawn with a gas-powered motor.

A few more tests are still left and once fully designed; the aircraft can be use for transporting small package deliveries or vertical take-off and landing, mapping large areas for long endurance surveillance and various other applications. It can furthermore be utilized in a much large scale, where it can be used in a one to four person size personal air vehicle.


Tuesday 28 April 2015

Can Robotic walker replace old age homes?

Senior citizens of a country are the most delicate ones and should be dealt with utmost care and respect but its not always possible for any person to stick and guide them while crossing a street or walking through a new street. But, scientists from University of Trento explained a whole new device named ‘Robot Walker’, which could guide and help the elderly peoples with all the needs they requires and make their life autonomous and secure.

This ‘robotic walker’ is a device which is embedded with sensors, cameras, obstacle recognition systems and software components aimed at making a elderly person’s life much simpler beyond their home’s boundary walls. The walker obtains information about its environment from its wireless connections and accordingly deals with it on the user’s decision making.

The device’s working principle is as simple as it sounds. When an obstruction comes in front of its path and that of the user’s, the embedded recognition software sends the signals to the algorithms. These inside ‘algorithms’ then analyses the data, sending the information back to the user guiding a safer path where chances of being stumble upon is less. The system for instance will try to avoid the impediment that may be present in the surroundings, or people who are walking may not have notice the presence of the walker and its users.

Electronics engineers have worked hard to equip the ‘Walker’ with all kinds of necessary sensing, cognitive devices and friendly human-machine interface keeping the system as simpler as they could. The system was partially developed and designed in the University of Trento. It will be a great help for the Senior citizens, as it will make their life more secure while walking through a new pavement, said one of the researcher from the Trento campus.

Despite the art of technology used in the device, the scientists believe the device will not come cheap in the market. As for now, they have assumed that the price range could be between 1800 to 2000 euros per unit in the market. The researchers are currently working on the model in order to make it financially competitive and the embedded system has the possibility to connect wirelessly to signals send by other devices which can help minimizing the cost of the walker’s own system.

Scientists believe the device will be ready to launch in the market within a time span of two to three years. It will be great news for all those senior citizens, as finally they can be independent and don’t need to depend on others in order to live an autonomous life.


Sunday 26 April 2015

Spider venom could lead to the next class of painkillers!

They can be creepy and horrifying but they are also in the process of becoming the next generation painkillers as scientists from Australia confirmed. I am talking about spiders, yes these arachnid creatures with 8 legs and ugliest look can save the life of millions in the future through their venom. It is not surprising that spiders use the very same venom to immobilize or kill their prey, but researchers from Australia have isolated seven peptides- blocks of proteins from venom of different species of spiders and have managed to block the molecular path responsible for sending the pain signal from the nerves to the brain.

According to a survey done by the Medical journal of pain, it says that every year about 15% adults suffers from severe chronic pain. Traditional painkillers such as morphine and widely used medications such as hydrocodone can be addictive and the abuse of drugs has ascended in recent years, prompting stricter regulation from the US Drug Enforcement departments. So the medical communities are eager to change the revolution of the painkillers and are always in search of new replacements.

The ‘spider-venom’ research was carried out inside the campus of university of Queensland, Australia where the researchers studied venom of more than 205 species of spiders found locally or from other regions (a total of 45,000 spider species are there all over the world). The researchers isolated various peptides from the venom and then exclusively studied each peptide to find the one that will affect the specific pain paths known as ion channels, which transmits pain from the nerves to the brain. About of 40% of the tested spider species contain at-least one peptide that blocked the pain channels.

So far, one peptide found to be most effective is of a spider name ‘Borneo orange-finger tarantula’ which according to the researchers has the right structure, stability and potency to become a painkilling drug. Well, since the process is still ongoing and scientists are further conducting tests on the peptides’ clinical potentials, looking for any unforeseen side-effects, whether the substance break down in the body and various other outcomes. This venom also has the capability to treat autoimmune disorders such as multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.

It is a great discovery done by the scientists from Australia, home to some of the most venomous creatures in the world and if the tests come up with a positive result, then surely it has the potential to lead a new class of painkillers.


Saturday 25 April 2015

Why FC Barcelona have an advantage over Bayern Munich this time?

A total of 14 trophies including two La Liga titles and Champions league double in 2009 and 2011, yes these were the achievements that Barca had achieved under the reign of legendary Pep Guardiola. But, now according to the latest champions league semi-final draw Barca will be facing Guardiola’s current managed team FC Bayern Munich which will see Guardiola coming for the first time in camp Nou since he left four years ago.

It’s a quite heady-mix time for the Barcelona fans as they are finally preparing to defeat the man who has given them so much to be proud of. The whole FC Barcelona community waited three years for this game and finally it arrived in their doorsteps and the last thing that they have to do is “Seize the moment”. There are many speculations about the draw like who’s going to have the advantage this time after what happened 2 years before, when FC Bayern overpowered Barca’s domination with a 7-0 scoreline. But, this time I think it is Barca’s time to triumph and let me tell you why?

The new (Old) Barca!

Yes, Eto’o/Henry/Messi is now Messi/Suarez/Neymar. Previously, the old trident were generally being fed by the Xavi-Iniesta pair who had almost hands in all the goals for Barcelona back in those days but now the times have changed, though the ‘pair’ is still there in the squad but with Xavi’s growing age, their visionary ‘pair- power’ have never been the same. But, Barca now has Rakitic who has shown excellent form this season in the mid-field area and can be a valuable asset in the game against Bayern. The new trio hasn’t disappointed at-all in the recent years. Neymar with his ball-playing skills have always been a invariable attacking threat to the opponents and Suarez is an excellent dribbler of the ball and an skillful individual too who is quite professional when comes in ‘one on one’ situation and Messi is well ‘Lionel Messi’.

The revenge!

Defeats are like war-wounds and Barca’s wound has not yet been dried up, it is still as wide opened as it was two years before when Bayern beat them 7-0 and took advantage of a coach-less team, a team when it lacked most of its prime players, a team which was emotionally tired( the ‘Vilanova’ incident). But, this time the dice will played in a different way as the FC Barcelona squad is fully fit with an excellent coach and with no emotions tied up with them, just one thing in mind ‘the revenge must be taken’. Now that Barca has its chance, I hope the players will relish and anticipate the situation completely.

Magical Messi!

Well, why it always has to come down to this lad? Answer could be that he is the world’s best player but it is much more complex than that. Messi is well-known for his quick movements and dribbling skills and that’s exactly what will edge Barca a little bit ahead of their rivals Bayern in the tie up between the two giants. In recent years, opponents players have found a traditional way of stopping Messi, i.e either put four defenders on him or foul him but in the current season, Messi has mesmerized everybody with his true leadership qualities by giving everything he can to make his team win attitude, it is obligatory that the only person who can stop Messi is Messi.

Bayern is an excellent team and they too have individuals who can decide a game but true speaking they don’t have a player who can decide that ‘today will be the day that I will win this match for my team by being phenomenal’.

Bayern is an excellent team who has a strong squad and the most innovative coach in their backyard but they are not supernatural or unbeatable. If Bayern repeat the same mistake versus Barca as they made in the first leg against Porto, then it will be ‘game over’ for them but things can never be conventional in football, so both the team will have to be the very best in their games if they want to progress for the final.


Wednesday 22 April 2015

Abidal-"Barca can win the treble"

Former Barcelona defender and French international Eric Abidal was present in the stands when Barca beat PSG to qualify for the semi-final spot in the UEFA Champions league. After the game, Abidal spoke earlier this day in the opening ceremony of his foundation which aims to improve the 'life of young cancer sufferers’. The 37 year old was full of appraisal for his ex-club FC Barcelona and feels that Barcelona have a good chance to win the treble this year but however it will be not an easy task.

Abidal retired from football last season and is currently working as an associate in the marketing department for the Olympiakos club, where he played his last few years. Abidal also expressed his desires to comeback and work for FC Barcelona in the near future. He believes, there are many similarities between his foundation aim and that of FC Barcelona’s and hopes to co-operate with each other in the near future.

Abidal’s words, “They work as hard as possible to achieve everything, They are in good form, they showed it yesterday against PSG and like each year, are favorites to win the Champions League. I hope that they can reach the final and lift the trophy, I know them and I know that it is one of the biggest objectives of the club.”

“They are always favorites and now they're playing well winning everything is possible but really difficult. They are in the good path.  People know Barça is my home but now my priority is the Foundation. I hope we can co-operate with Barça's Foundation. We share the same values”.
Eric Abidal has played a total of 125 games for the Catalonian side and was considered to be one of the best in his position.


German Scientists generate electrical current from Noise

Well, electricity is a set of physical phenomenon that is an ever-growing topic in the field of physics. Generally, there are various mode of generating electricity but scientists from the University of Wurzburg have found a new way to generate electric current from ‘noise’. A device has been built in which two quantum dots has been used to generate electrical impulse from the voltage noise.

It’s a well-known fact that electronic devices generates a huge amount of heat that is needed to be dissipated, but instead of discarding this energy, using it to do useful work could transfigure the electronic industry forever. Re-using this energy means, more efficient electronic devices can be constructed. For more than a decade physicists have tried founding ways via which they can generate electrical currents from this ‘wasted heat energy’ so that they can make them do works, such as power electronic devices and finally they have reached a possible point.

How the experiment works?

In a simple statement, the experiment uses voltage noise to mimic the hot and cold spots of wasted heat and hence is not directly converting the heat energy loss into electrical impulses. These two quantum dots are nothing but disc of semiconductor about 300nm in diameter. They are kept at distance of 150nm so that they can exchange energy via coulomb coupling theory. Then three conducting leads are being introduced into the system, two to the upper quantum dots so that the current can flow across the dots and one to the lower quantum dot to a voltage source with superimposed noise at milivolt range.

Now, when the researchers increased the intensity of the noise applied to the lower quantum dot, they saw comparatively a larger amount of current generating in the upper quantum dot. Technically, the data followed a quadratic drift, doubling the voltage noise quadrupled the maximum current, where the current is measured in nanoamperes.

Is the Experiment ready for industrial process?

Well, though there is an initial success yet the researchers believe that the experiment is not ready for the industrial experience. Currently, the quantum dots are immersed in liquid helium in order to maintain them, clearly which cannot be used for consumer devices. Plus the researchers are also in doubt about whether the currents can be driven out in room temperature. Scientists are now finding ways to construct a device which can be operated at room temperature.

Hope, the scientists do find a way to build the device as because this is a great method of generating electric current and can limit the usage of fossil fuels and thermal energies which have debilitated environment drastically in recent years.


Tuesday 21 April 2015

"We have to give everything", says Guardiola

FC Porto’s win over German giants in the first leg of quarter finals was quite a shocking result and manager Pep Guardiola believes that his team has to work their sweat off in order to topple the 3-1 deficit and knock out FC Porto from the champions league. He further admits that the ‘Bundesliga leaders’ have to get an astounding result in the 2nd leg of the quarter finals after slipping through a shocking defeat in Portugal last week.

In the first leg, Bayern Munich failed miserably in their defensive line and Porto took full advantage of the situation and capitalized on it to triumph the game. Quaresma scored twice in the opening 10 minutes of the game, out of which one was penalty. Bayern got their one back in the 27th minute when Thiago netted, but Jackson Martinez capped the day for the Portugal giants by making the scoreline 3-1 in the 65th minute.

FC Porto’s first leg result result means that they have extended their unbeaten run in the competition and is becoming a tough contender, while Bayern Munich have to find a way in their den if they want to reach the semi-final of the Champions league at all.

Guardiola in a recent prees conference said, “This is a big club, so you can’t say we are in a cosy situation, If you win, you’re a genius. If you lose, you have lots of problems but that’s the nature of my job. It isn’t enough to win the Bundesliga and the cup. Only a treble is enough for a club like Real Madrid, Barcelona or Bayern but I am proud to be here with these players.

Bayern Munich is currently dealing with lots of injury problem, with the likes of Robben, Ribery, Alaba, Benatia and Martinez are all out due to injuries but one good news is that Bastian Schweinsteiger is fit to play the game tonight in the Allianz Arena.

So, lets see whether Bayern Munich can do the impossible and reach the semi-finals of football's most elite competition.
